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3rd AUN-TEPL Symposium (Online)
About The Event
In our continuous attempt to bring together like-minded educators to share and discuss best practices in the use of technology to bring about personalised learning, AUN-TEPL co-lead, Universiti Malaya hosted the 3rd AUN-TEPL Symposium (Online) on 25th May 2022. This key event of the year was co-organised by Singapore Management University and Mahidol University.
The symposium featured keynote speaker, Professor Dr. Zoraini Wati Abaswho, who presented the topic “Developing Skilled Netizens for Lifelong Learning”. Other presenters at the symposium contributed to a wide spectrum of topics related to personalised learning enhanced by technology. Some of the presented topics cover areas such as fostering student engagement, designing and implementing blended learning courses, gamification, and the use of virtual reality.
The highlight of the event was a panel discussion on the lessons learned and ways in forging ahead in supporting the implementation of personalised learning in institutions of higher learning.
The symposium was launched with the opening address by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaya, Professor Dato' Ir. Dr. Mohd. Hamdi Abd. Shukor.
Click on the image below to access the video of the opening address.

Videos of our speakers presentations are now available!
Keynote Presentation:

Professor Zoraini Wati Abas
Former Dean of School of Distance Education at Universiti Sains Malaysia
Keynote Presentation:
The continuous, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of information is referred to as lifelong learning. As an educator, it is critical to inspire our students to continue learning and growing outside of the classroom, where they should be able to adapt and develop into skilled netizens.
As learners today have a wide range of knowledge and skills to choose from to aid their professional development, thanks to the many open online courses available across many platforms, is a degree still important in this process?
What can we do to encourage lifelong learning?
How can your university contribute to this worthy cause?
And how can lifelong learning be personalized for learners?
Lessons Learned and Forging Ahead:
Supporting the Implementation of Personalised Learning

Associate Professor
Lieven Demeester
Singapore Management University, Singapore

Assistant Professor
Nopphol Pausawasdi
Mahidol University,

Associate Professor
Farrah Dina Yusop
Universiti Malaya,
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” (African proverb)
The future is collaborative, for students, for educators and for universities. Despite that, learning can now be personalised by leveraging on the available technologies and the understanding of how students learn effectively in this fast-paced world. As the higher education sector embraces the digital transformation, the potential in providing a personalised, engaging, accessible, flexible learning that appeals to the expanding learner demographics remains to be dealt with.
The panels will provide a discussion for the sharing of experience in enabling their institutions to create a more personalised learning experience for the students while at the same time foster greater collaboration and a more immersive learning experience.
Session 1:

Associate Professor Yuanto Kusnadi
Singapore Management University, Singapore
Active Learning in Accounting:
The Role of Digital Learning Resource in Fostering Student Engagement
Active learning refers to in-class instructional strategies that blend activities such as: games, technology-based learning, team-based learning, etc; in enhancing students’ learning experience. Two important characteristics of active learning are that it shifts the teaching focus from being instructor-centric to student-centric; and that it requires active student involvement in achieving learning outcome. This presentation outlines how active learning pedagogy can be facilitated in the teaching of accounting. In particular, the focus will be on the role played by digital learning resource (that have been created with SMU’s Centre of Teaching Excellence) in fostering higher student engagement. The findings from students’ feedback survey reveal that as students take on a more proactive role in their leaning, they become more engaged in the learning process; and this results in the teaching and learning of accounting to be more enjoyable for both students and instructors.

Dr. Patrick Tan Siong Kuan
Singapore Management University, Singapore
Design and Implementation of Blended Learning Course
This session will provide practical insights to the design and implementation of blended learning programmes; the good, bad, and ugly. Patrick will also share some feedback from students on their blended learning experience

Dr. Nor Aishah Abdullah
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Developing Critical Thinking Skills through Gamification in Learning
Increased workload, teaching lethargy, and monotonic lesson are among problems faced by educator who teaches large class in the university. Students get very tired if the class is scheduled late in the evening. To avoid learning boredom, this study implemented gamified learning approach for 13 weeks. A sample of 319 students in a critical thinking course has been selected for this study. Participants were 19 to 23 years old from various departments in the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. Aims of this study are 1) to improve students’ critical thinking skills using MaCTIV6, 2) improve students’ learning engagement. Findings demonstrated that students improved their cognitive and metacognitive skills in the MaCTIV6. The most significant element of gamification that motivated students’ engagement are achievement and reward. Varieties in the learning content and contexts have attracted learners' attention to the topics discussed, eliminating boredom and sleepiness in the class.
Session 2:

Dr. Thanapon Noraset
Mahidol University, Thailand
Virtual Environment and Avatar Tools for
Online Learning
Online classrooms have potential benefits distinct from traditional classrooms, but student engagement is hardly present in the meeting rooms. In this presentation, we will discuss how virtual environments and avatars can increase social presence in the online classroom. Then, we will discuss and categorize tools that instructors and students can take advantage of. Finally, we will see a few use cases and discuss feedback from instructors and students.

Dr. Looi Mee Lee
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Multiple intelligence in Personalised Teaching and Learning Strategies
Multiple intelligence (MI) inventory is a viable approach for personalised teaching and learning (T&L). Gardner theorised that in addition to intellectual capacity, people possess many other forms of intelligence, including verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical rhythmic, bodily-kinesthetics, visual-spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence. Targeting MI profile enables individualised T&L and enhances educators’ assessment literacy. Mismatch of delivery method and learners’ abilities has been reported as a contributor of learning failure. It has been suggested that educators should know their learners’ potential, strengths and weaknesses, all of which could be revealed via MI inventory. Employing the right T&L strategies according to an individual’s MI profile, allows for personalised T&L and empowers the full range of personal intelligences. MI instruction is not only meant to empower; it can also unearth a learner’s potential while developing the learner’s weak intelligences. Various MI-based engagement activities would be fun, and encourage learners to contextualize learning based on their own individual strengths. With the advent of 21st century education, many online platforms now offer variations in instructional and assessment repertoires. Integrating technology according to each learner’s unique MI is the way forward to revamp T&L for this era’s techno savvy generation.

Dr. Wipapan Ngampramuan
Mahidol University, Thailand
Using Digital Platform to Enhance Student’s Individual Learning
Due to the pandemic, all classes at the Faculty of Liberal Arts were conducted online from March 2020 to December 2021. From the survey undertook in May 2021, 24% (n=42) of learners could not clearly understand the lessons as before, so the Faculty suggested all live classes being recorded for learners to watch again. There were comments that videos on Webex and Zoom clouds could sometimes get buffering. To help learners engaged more, I created a Google Classroom for each module and posted the handouts for them beforehand. I recorded each lesson, saved and published them as unlisted videos on YouTube and posted the links to the videos via Google Classroom. From the course evaluation, learners gave positive feedback and said they could learn better by looking at the handouts during the live classes, watch the recorded videos on YouTube after classes and asked questions during the live classes again.
Session 3:

Ms Neo Wei Leng
Mr. Isaac Koh
Singapore Management University, Singapore
TERESA – Data Analytics for Monitoring and Evaluating Funded Technology Enhanced Learning Projects
To harness the affordances of data analytics, TERESA (Technology-Enhanced Learning (Projects) Reporting System and Administration) was developed by the Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Singapore Management University (SMU) to monitor development milestones and usage, and evaluate student learning outcomes of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) projects. We will share how TERESA benefits faculty developers, grant administrators and instructors embarking on TEL projects. We expect that project portfolio management systems like TERESA will become important as universities allocate larger budgets to the development of technology-enhanced learning.

Dr. Teo Chin Hai
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Advancing Co-creation of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) to Digitise Healthcare Curricula: The ACoRD project.

Associate Prof. Dr. Chailerd Pichitpornchai
Mahidol University,Thailand
Psychomotor Domain Skills Development in TEPL
Revised Bloom’s taxonomy includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Psychomotor domain is defined to as mainly the competency of manual skill, including other body's parts skills, such as foot skill in footballs, vocal cords and organs in the mouth for singing, playing drums with hands and foot, etc. To develop psychomotor skills normally needs face-to-face and hands-on coaching. Online learning during pandemic COVID-19 has raised many Teaching and Learning Process (TLP) problems, especially with the learning outcome of enabling learners to develop psychomotor skills. The objectives of this presentation are to present (1) how to analyze and identify the parts of teaching psychomotor skills that can be developed for teaching psychomotor offline and/or online effectively; (2) methodologies for developing TEPL to develop psychomotor skills; and (3) how to evaluate learning outcomes resulted from TEPL with or without aids of blended learning. More details will be presented in the symposium.
A reusable learning object (RLO) is an open access, succinct, interactive and multimedia web-based resource which focuses on a single learning objective and can be used in multiple contexts. A total of 23 health-related RLOs ( were co-created under the ACoRD project following the ASPIRE framework, involving students and lecturers. The RLOs developed were integrated into teaching and also released for wider use. Questionnaires were incorporated in the RLOs for evaluation purposes and users were invited to answer them as they were using the RLOs. As of 24 Feb 2022, accumulatively, 7622 people (11 countries) have accessed any of the RLOs. The respondents liked the RLOs as they were simple, easy to understand, fun and interactive; 99% (N=2071) thought the RLOs were helpful or very helpful. Both knowledge and confidence scores improved from pre-use to immediate-post-use and 6-week-post-use. These RLOs are found useful and should be widely disseminated.
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