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As one of the three thrusts of the AUN-TEPL, the thematic network aims to promote technology-enhanced personalised learning as an area for inter-university research and projects collaboration. To achieve this, we are seeking collaborators who are passionate about  working collaboratively with colleagues from other universities in the AUN-TEPL network on TEPL research projects. It is envisaged that our research collaborators will expand their professional network and build their scholarly work and reputation in the TEPL field.


Examples of topics under the TEPL theme include (but not limited to):


  • Anonymity in class participation

  • Artificial intelligence for personalised learning

  • Automated feedback

  • Blended learning

  • Collaborative learning

  • Emotional support for online learning

  • Gamification/Game-based Learning

  • Learning Analytics

  • Personalised feedback from instructor, peer, practitioner, and self

  • Self-regulated learning

  • Teaching adjustments to meet student learning needs





As a research collaborator, your roles include:

1. acting as a project investigator or co-investigator and contribute to the team’s research design, data collection, and analysis and writing of the inter-university research on TEPL

2. encouraging research collaborations by

  • identifying potential researchers within your university

  • supporting with curated university resources where possible

​3. periodically, reporting the research project status and progress to the Project Lead

Please click on this registration link to sign up.




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©2025 AUN-TEPL Thematic Network

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