Inaugural AUN-TEPL Symposium (Online)
27th Feb 2020
9.00am - 12.30pm (SGT, GMT+8)
About The Event
Singapore Management University (SMU) hosted the inaugural ASEAN University Network-Technology-Enhanced Personalised Learning (AUN-TEPL) Symposium (Online) on 27 February 2020. Originally scheduled to be held at SMU, the symposium was converted to an online format due to the current COVID-19 situation to allow more overseas participants to participate. A total of over 180 educators from 51 universities attended the half-day online symposium.
This inaugural Symposium marks the launch of the AUN-TEPL Thematic Network led by SMU together with co-leads Mahidol University and University of Malaya. The Symposium aims to bring together like-minded educators from universities in the ASEAN region to share and discuss best practices in the use of technology to bring about personalised learning and to seek opportunities to collaborate in inter-university projects. It featured a series of presentations by speakers from various ASEAN Universities and beyond, covering a wide range of topics such as learning analytics, classroom response systems, use of open educational resources etc.
SMU Provost, Professor Timothy Clark, in his opening address, mentioned that the symposium is the first in a series of symposiums that will allow all member universities of the network to build capacity and knowledge towards TEPL. He is delighted that SMU is leading this very important initiative together with our partners Mahidol University and University of Malaya.
Click on the image below to access the video of Professor Timothy Clark's opening address.
The second symposium will be hosted by Mahidol University and the third by Universiti Malaya. In May 2020, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by the three universities – SMU, Mahidol University and University of Malaya. The MOU is intended to provide a framework which will allow the Parties to foster collaboration among the ASEAN universities to improve student success through technology-enhanced personalised learning.
Videos of this presentations as well as the presentation slides provided by many of our speakers are now available!

Venky Shankararaman
Professor of Information Systems (Education)
Vice Provost (Undergraduate Matters)
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
Keynote Presentation:
Learning Analytics for Enhancing Student Learning Experience
Learning Analytics refers to the use of analytics and data mining techniques on educational data sets to gain insights and make educational decisions that help enhance student learning. If used effectively, it can enhance curriculum design and both live and online learning sessions. In this talk, Professor Shankararaman will address three areas of application of learning analytics that he has been working on: analysing student performance and providing personalized feedback; analysing student feedback in order to adapt content and delivery; analysing live presentations and discussions to provide personalized feedback.

Lieven Demeester
Associate Professor of Operations Management (Practice)
Director, Centre for Teaching Excellence
Singapore Management University
Proposal for the Sharing of Digital TEPL Resources within AUN
Professor Demeester shares the rationale of forming a community in sharing readily available digital technology-enhanced personalised learning resources within AUN. In this session, Professor Demeester also facilitated a brainstorming session in gathering feedback and ideas from the audiences.

Chailerd Pichitpornchai
Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Director, Institute for Innovative Learning, Mahidol University
Sharing of use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Implementation in Thailand
Thai Cyber University and many Thai universities including Mahidol University have co-operatively implemented providing several thousands of MOOC lessons. Mahidol University has implemented using EdX as a platform. The Physiology e-Learning System ( has been developed at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, using MOOC and web-board as platforms for medical students to enhance personalized learning of physiology. The experience for each platform and other Thai universities will be discussed.

Seow Poh Sun
Associate Professor of Accounting (Education)
Associate Dean (Teaching and Curriculum)
Singapore Management University
Enhancing Learning through a Mobile Game:
Accounting Challenge (ACE) Mobile-Gaming App
Accounting Challenge (ACE) is the first mobile-gaming app for learning accounting. ACE aims to enhance learning of accounting outside the classroom by engaging students to play and learn accounting on the go. Students enhance their accounting knowledge in a fun way through fast-paced questions and answers.

Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga
Associate Professor
Education Leadership and Management
Associate Dean (Teaching and Curriculum)
De La Salle University Manila
Promoting self-regulated Blended Learning in AnimoSpace Learning Management System
This session focuses on how we can promote self-regulation in blended learning courses. It will look into features in the AnimoSpace Learning Management System and strategies to help students working with online course materials and activities.

Tan Kar Way
Assistant Professor of Information Systems (Practice)
Programme Director, BSc (IS) Smart-City Management & Technology Major
Singapore Management University
Do My Students Understand?
Automated Identification of Doubts from Informal Reflections
Traditionally, teaching is one directional where the instructor imparts knowledge with minimal interactions with learners. In a learner-centered pedagogy, we hope to provide timely and relevant guidance to individual learners according to their levels of understanding. In this presentation, we show how we automatically identify doubts from students’ informal reflections using text analytics, so doubts or questions can be addressed in a timely manner.

Zachary Pardos
Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Education and Division of Data Science and Information
University of California, Berkeley
Design and Testing of a Course Recommendation System
Unique student and institutional requirements in higher education necessitate special consideration and modification to the common recommender systems approach. At Berkeley (, neural networks are used to leverage millions of enrollment histories and course catalog descriptions to help students explore new and relevant courses, satisfy requirements, and achieve their goals.

Florian Zenoni
Data Scientist and Editor
Wooclap and The Science of Learning
Wooclap is a tool that helps teachers improve participation and understanding in the classroom. Education technology is now able to empower everyone with the contributions of cognitive science, at scale. This presentation will detail the main educational principles at stake and provide a live demonstration.
A list questions posted by the symposium participants were not able to be answered during the symposium due to the interest of time. You may download the presenters' responses to those questions here.